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Privacy Policies & Terms of Use

Update 18 July 2021

Privacy Policy

IncludeEd shares your information with Mental Health First Aid Australia for the purposes of your course accreditation and may also share your contact details with your organisation, if they have facilitated your enrolment.


Information shared privately with your course instructor will not be disclosed unless required by the General Disclosure Practices below.

General Disclosure Practices

Service Terms of Use

By using IncludeEd training services, you agree to the Terms and Conditions described below:

  • IncludeEd training services are delivered by experienced, trained, Mental Health First Aid instructors and are provided for residents of Australia, and employees of Australian-based Multinational organisations only.   

  • IncludeEd may provide suggestions for online resources/information, and support services relevant to the courses it offers.

  • IncludeEd training service does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, prescription of medications, or treatment of any conditions. Our services are not a substitute or alternative to professional health care and advice based on your unique circumstances, and you should not disregard professional advice, or delay seeking it, because of any information or guidance from our services. IncludeEd does not accept any liability (including for negligence) for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information and guidance provided.

  • IncludeEd securely stores transcripts of text and online chat interactions. De-identified transcripts may be used for the purposes of training and evaluation. 

  • In situations where IncludeEd personnel believe that life is in immediate danger, IncludeEd has a duty of care to contact emergency services. In these circumstances, IncludeEd will disclose any identifiable and relevant information obtained during the conversation to emergency services.

We do not disclose personal information to another person or organisation (including police, emergency services and other government agencies) unless one of the following applies:

  • the individual has consented to the disclosure of their personal information;

  • the individual would reasonably expect, or has been told, that information of that kind is usually passed to those individuals, bodies or agencies and the disclosure:

    • in the case of personal information (that is not sensitive information) relates to the primary purpose for which is was collected; or

    • in the case of sensitive information is directly related to the primary purpose for which it was collected; or

    • the disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law;

    • we reasonably believe that the disclosure will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody's life, health or safety (including your own) or serious threat to public health, property or public safety;

    • the individual has made threats to harm third parties;

    • the individual has made threats against IncludeEd personnel;

    • the individual repeatedly makes nuisance contact including calls, chats or emails.

Copyright & Trademarks

All material on this website (including its design, layout, text, and images) is subject to copyright owned by (or licensed to) us.

We are happy for you to reproduce this material for personal and non-commercial purposes, provided the reproduction is unaltered and an attribution of source is included.  Any other use of this material requires our written consent.

This website contains trade marks belong to us and third parties.  You may not display or use these trade marks in any manner without the prior consent of the trade mark owner.

Links to other websites and third party content

This website contains links to, or content from, third party websites.  These are provided for your convenience only.  We do not control third party websites and are not responsible for their content. 


We do not specifically endorse any organisation or content, and views or recommendations provided do not necessarily reflect our views.  It is your responsibility to make your own decisions about the currency, completeness, accuracy of this information. 


We do not warrant that material on other sites does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other person.

Privacy, security and viruses

We take our obligations to protect your personal information seriously, please see our Privacy Policy. However, please note that the internet is an insecure public network which means there are risks that information sent to or from our website services may be intercepted, corrupted or modified by third parties. In addition, it is possible that files and transmissions through our website services may contain computer viruses, disabling codes, worms or other devices or defects.


You bear the risks and responsibility for any loss or damage caused, directly or indirectly, by these risks.  We do not accept any liability for any interference with or damage to your computer system, device, software or data occurring in connection with your use of our website and website services

Reliance on information and disclaimer

While we take reasonable care, and implement quality assurance protocols, to ensure that the information and services we provide are relevant, helpful and responsive, please note that:

  • the information on our website is intended for your general information and use only and we do not warrant the information is complete, accurate and up to date;

  • our website and services do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, prescription of medications, or treatment of any conditions;

  • our website and services are not a substitute or alternative to professional health care and advice based on your unique circumstances; and

  • you should not disregard professional advice, or delay seeking it, because of any information or guidance from our website or services.

On this basis, to the extent permitted by law:

  • we exclude all statutory and general law warranties and guarantees in relation to our website and website services;

  • we disclaim all liability (including for negligence) for any injury, loss or damage incurred by you arising out of your use and reliance on the information and guidance provided through our website and website services; and

  • our liability for failure to comply with any applicable (and non-excludable) guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law is limited to supplying the services again or paying the cost of having the services supplied again.

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