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MHFA: Engaging Leaders

Learn how our courses can create mentally healthy workplaces

The MHFA Engaging Leaders course is a 90-minute session designed for senior leaders, decision-makers and influencers. It equips participants with information about MHFA and how our courses can be used as part of a broader strategy to create mentally healthy workplaces.


Providing this session to leaders will open up a conversation about:

1) Why supporting the mental health of employees is important

2) Benefits of MHFA to their workplace

3) Results of evaluations of the MHFA courses


The session has been designed to turn leaders into champions of the Mental Health First Aid program.

Ignoring mental health makes no business sense with 1 in 5 Australian adults experiences a mental illness in any given year, the costs to business can be significant. Mental ill health costs Australian workplaces $4.7 billion in absenteeism, $1.6 billion in presenteeism and $146 million in compensation claims per year. Yet only 22% of full-time workers with signs of common mental illness receive treatment for their mental health problems.


MHFA training can assist workplaces in identifying and supporting individuals with mental health problems to receive professional help. The MHFA Engaging Leaders course is available to be delivered in-person or via video-conferencing.


This course does not teach the skills of providing mental health first aid, and there is no certificate for attendance. It should be viewed as an information session only.

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