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Blended MHFA Community

Learn how to assist an adult who is developing a mental health problem

In this informative and practical course, you will learn about the signs and symptoms of common and disabling mental health problems in adults, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide mental health first aid in a crisis situation using a practical, evidence-based action plan.


Mental health first aid skills learnt by participants in this course can be applied in any setting. Course content includes case-studies, videos and resources tailored to the learning needs of community/public course participants.


The new Blended Online MHFA Community Course includes two course components:


Component 1

Course participants first complete the interactive self-paced eLearning component that presents an overview of mental health problems and mental health crises (5-7 hours).

Developing mental health problems covered include:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety problems

  • Psychosis

  • Substance use problems

Mental health crises covered:

  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviours

  • Non-suicidal self-injury

  • Panic attacks

  • Traumatic events

  • Severe psychotic states

  • Severe effects from alcohol or other drug use

  • Aggressive behaviour


Component 2

The follow-on training with IncludeEd is delivered online in Zoom in 2 x 2.5 hour sessions, or 1 x 4 hour in-person session. It allows participants the opportunity to revise and consolidate skills in a group environment, and to address mental health problems in the community in more depth. It​ provides participants with the opportunity to:

  • Revise the eLearning content and the MHFA Action Plan

  • Clarify any points of uncertainty remaining after completion of the eLearning modules

  • Apply the MHFA Action Plan to relevant scenarios

  • Discuss and reflect 'a where to from now' in using mental health first aid skills

  • Develop a self-care plan to maintain good mental health.


Both components must be completed along with an online quiz in order to achieve accreditation.​


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