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Image of Falmouth on the East Coast of Tasmania

About IncludeEd

Expert Training in Mental Health First Aid

IncludeEd was created to make Mental Health First Aid training accessible to as many people as possible.


By providing high quality online and in-person training to organisations throughout Australia, we are able to subsidise courses for not-for-profit community groups and neighbourhood organisations. This means that when you choose IncludeEd to support you in creating a mentally healthy workplace, you are also supporting communities around Tasmania.


Our founder and lead educator, Paula Johnson has made safety and wellbeing central to her practice as a senior educator at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) where she has taught and led widening participation programs for more than 20 years. She has extensive experience in developing and delivering engaging online learning experiences and is certified in:

She is also a trained Workplace Support Contact Officer, and is undertaking post-graduate study in Mental Health Practice. Paula is in her third term as a member of the Ally Network Leadership Group at UTAS, supporting LGBTIQ+ colleagues and students and is also the co-founder of the community based CALD Support Community of Practice in Southern Tasmania. This all informs her contributions to making Tasmania a healthier place to live, study and work.

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