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Learning with IncludeEd

Reviews & Feedback


All feedback was provided by participants in anonymous, post-course surveys

'Paula was an excellent instructor/trainer/facilitator. She was engaging, varied her teaching style to keep us interested. Knew our names. Her tone was appropriate to the material.'

'Loved the way Paula taught us this course. It was fun and engaging. Initially I was worried because 9-5 training on two days seemed tiring and daunting but honestly, with the way Paula taught and kept us engaged, the time just flew by. I learned lots of new things that I know will be useful to me and the residents here.'

'The instructor was always kind, upfront and demonstrated a high level of knowledge and understanding that made it easy to engage with the content and activities.'


About IncludeEd

IncludeEd was created to make Mental Health First Aid training accessible to as many people as possible.


By providing high quality online and in-person training to organisations throughout Australia, we are able to subsidise courses for not-for-profit community groups and neighbourhood organisations. This means that when you choose IncludeEd to support you in creating a mentally healthy workplace, you are also supporting communities around Tasmania.


Contact Us

If you would like to know about the courses we offer and how we can help your workplace or not-for-profit organisation, please complete the form.

We'll be in touch within 24 hours.

+61 3 62 737 949

People During Workshop
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